Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Birthday Ramblings

So I had a birthday yesterday. It was 51 years ago that I was almost born at the corner of Zang and Davis in Oak Cliff, but fortunately my grandmother's lead foot got my mother to the hospital in time for my arrival. I was "a month early," probably because Mother miscounted. They were expecting me on Christmas Day - so when my aunt called Dad (who was visiting Uncle Harry in Austin) to say that Mary was in the hospital, he said "What for?" Thus began my life!

I was born on the 330th day of the year. I share an exact birthday with NASCAR driver Dale Jarrett (imagine my joy), and I share the day with Charles Schulz, Robert Goulet, Bill W (of Alcoholics Anonymous fame), Tina Turner (who I hope to resemble when I am her age), Cicciolina (the Italian porn star, go figure) and one Maud, Queen of Norway.

I suppose to some I was born on "the day the music died" - Tommy Dorsey died the day I was born. I hope he smiled when Paul and I danced to "Moonlight Serenade" on our wedding night.

Many things occurred on November 26, a few of which may explain who I am. The earliest recorded event on that day was in 43BC, when the "second triumvirate alliance of Gaius Julius Caesar Octavius, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, and Marc Antony was formed. (I just want to know who was around to chisel down the minutes from that meeting)

On November 26, 1922, King Tut's tomb was entered for the first time in more than 3000 years by Howard Carter and Lord Carnavore. They were reported to have observed that he was looking kinda funky - which would be true for anyone who was born in Arizona and moved to Babylonia.

In Paris every year on the 26th, they observe "the Celebration of the Excellence of Sainte Genevieve." Most excellent!

But my favorite is that on November 26, 1942, some movie called "Casablanca" made its debut in New York City. That explains my fascination with ceiling fans and parrots and champagne, and men who sound like Peter Lorre and Captain Reneau, and all things related to Humphrey Bogart.

All in all, not a bad day. So far, not a bad life. Much for which to be grateful.

1 comment:

Texas Cole said...

Sallie -

